One-to-One Sessions

I offer one-to-one Spiritual Guidance & Holistic Supervision sessions in person and online.

Whether you’re seeking spiritual guidance or holistic supervision, my practice is to welcome you as you are and offer you an attuned presence characterized by deep listening and genuine engagement. In essence, to make a sanctuary for you.

With respect to spiritual guidance, I welcome exchanges with people whatever their spiritual or faith practice may be. I also welcome exchanges with people who don’t identify with a specific spiritual practice or tradition but feel drawn to deeper meaning in their life and who perhaps consider themselves spiritual but not religious.

With respect to holistic supervision, I welcome the opportunity to work with counsellors, creative art therapists, psychotherapists, and therapists-in-training.

Spiritual Guidance

Sense and abide in your relationship with Spirit, your luminous essence.

The heart of spiritual guidance is your relationship with Spirit or whatever name you give to the Divine One, Sacred Unity, Source.

My intention is to serve this relationship by making a space in which you feel able to attune to the Living Presence of Spirit in your life.

Depending on what works for you, in addition to conscious conversation, spiritual guidance sessions can include silence, meditation, prayer, conscious embodiment, artmaking, divination, and attunement to your kinship bonds with your loved ones, ancestors, and the natural world.

Spiritual Guidance may be of value to you if you…

  • Sense there’s a deeper meaning or dimension to your life that you want to touch into

  • Are wary of organized religion but feel drawn to spiritual wisdom

  • Long for a closer relationship with Spirit

  • Feel called to begin or to deepen a spiritual practice

  • Feel perplexed by spirituality or your spiritual experience

  • Want to hone your spiritual discernment

  • Want to clarify the relationship between your spiritual practice & your contribution to community

  • Are seeking support in navigating a crisis or transition in your spiritual unfolding

  • Are seeking support in addressing harmful or abusive experiences that have occurred in a religious context

Fee for a 1 hour spiritual guidance session: $140

Holistic Supervision

Integrate your spiritual and therapeutic practice.

In Holistic Supervision both the supervisor and supervisee are aware of the interconnectedness of all being in Spirit and share an understanding that therapy and healing take place within this spiritual context.

There’s also an acknowledgement that the practitioner’s quality of presence is impactful in exchanges, and so cultivating presence is a core consideration ~ consciously engaging our three centres of intelligence, opening to the Presence of Spirit, and refining our capacities for relational attunement. 

Holistic Supervision is integrative and supports an integrative approach to practice, valuing flexible engagement and responsiveness based on the recognition that each person is unique.

Holistic Supervision may be of value to you if you’re practicing therapy & you’re interested in…

  • Integrating your spiritual practice & your professional practice

  • Working with what is immanent while receptive to the transcendent

  • Deepening your presence

  • Practicing in an integrative & creative way

  • Honing your intuitive awareness & relational attunement

    Fee for a 1 hour holistic supervision session: $165

In-person and Online Options

I meet with people in person at The Arahura Centre in Spreydon, Christchurch, and also offer sessions via Zoom.

"I grew up in a spiritual organisation which I loved deeply but had to leave because of its judgements and restrictions around sexuality, emotions and expression. Throughout my life I have felt deep grief around losing this spiritual community, practice and wisdom. Being in the spaces Pip holds is the first time I have felt able to sink into deep spiritual practice without feeling threatened by judgements or restrictions. It is such a relief to find someone so inclusive and kind, who holds a space for deep spiritual practice while remaining in touch with the world. She is so kind with whatever I'm experiencing. She's right there. It's like speaking into a deep pool of kindness. She has an amazing knack for formulating language that helps me understand myself and open up new paths or possibilities. I feel so seen and affirmed by her. "

— Loo