Upcoming Events

Practice Circle: The Poetry of Presence
to 13 Dec

Practice Circle: The Poetry of Presence

Rumi scholar Fatemah Keshavarz has described Rumi’s poetry as an encounter, a coming face-to-face with the sacred in such a way that it’s impossible to stay on the margins – you have to join in. In this practice circle, we’ll be allowing ourselves to be drawn into such encounters with the Living Presence of the sacred through the poetry of various accomplished poets

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Practice Circle: Sensing Sacred Unity
to 11 Apr

Practice Circle: Sensing Sacred Unity

Contemplation is a state of being in which we directly sense and abide in the Living Presence of the One Love. It isn’t a state of being we achieve but rather a grace that we receive. In this practice circle, we’ll engage in a somatic meditation practices that help prepare us to receive such grace by consciously engaging and balancing our three centres of intelligence - sensation, emotion, and thought - and refining our sense perception.

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Practice Circle: 6 Sufi Ways of the Heart
to 13 Jun

Practice Circle: 6 Sufi Ways of the Heart

Our two texts, Divine Names, by Rosina-Fawzia Al-Rawi and The Sufi Book of Life, by Neil Douglas-Klotz, are both illuminations of the 99 healing names of Living Presence. Douglas-Klotz also refers to these names as ‘pathways of the heart’. Each name, each pathway is a beautiful field of wisdom and a rich source of contemplation helping us see with ‘the eye of the heart.’ In this practice circle, we’ll contemplate one name or pathway each week, engaging in a contemplative reading of the name followed by a heart-centred meditation.

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Practice Circle: The Wisdom of Mary Magdalene
to 15 Aug

Practice Circle: The Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

The Gospel of the Beloved Companion includes Mary Magdalene’s account of her vision of the the Great Tree Within, a map of spiritual unfolding into the light and life of Spirit and a guide to Wisdom. The Tree is described as having eight boughs which are thresholds to the manifestation of fruits of the Spirit ~ love and compassion, wisdom and understanding, honour and humility, strength and courage, clarity and truth, potency and healing, light and goodness, grace and beauty. In this practice circle, each week we'll explore one of the boughs of the Great Tree Within, opening to Mary Magdalane’s sacred teaching.

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Workshop: Real Self-Care for Therapists II

Workshop: Real Self-Care for Therapists II

During this workshop we will explore how we care for ourselves in our work as therapists so we experience and embody our capacity for being affected by others as an asset rather than a liability. We’ll also explore what makes for an effective and sustainable therapeutic practice.

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Workshop: Art & Contemplation
to 6 Oct

Workshop: Art & Contemplation

During this workshop you will be guided in the combination of writing, arts practices, and contemplation. There’ll be a focus on direct experience, somatic awareness, and the principles of process.

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Practice Circle: The Gospel of Thomas
to 20 Sep

Practice Circle: The Gospel of Thomas

The Gospel of Thomas dates back to the first centuries of Christianity but was only discovered in the mid-Twentieth Century. It is one of a collection of manuscripts known as the Nag Hammadi Library. This Gospel text provides access to elements of the wisdom teachings of Yeshua that emphasize the Oneness of unified being. The Gospel of Thomas is a collection of sutra that invite contemplative engagement. Each week of this Practice Circle, we’ll contemplate one or two of these wisdom sayings and share our impressions in conscious conversation.

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Practice Circle: 8 Sufi Ways of the Heart
to 21 Jun

Practice Circle: 8 Sufi Ways of the Heart

Our two texts, Divine Names, by Rosina-Fawzia Al-Rawi and The Sufi Book of Life, by Neil Douglas-Klotz, are both illuminations of the 99 healing names of the One Love. Douglas-Klotz also refers to these names as ‘pathways of the heart’. Each pathway is a beautiful field of wisdom and a rich source of contemplation helping us see with ‘the eye of the heart.’ In this practice circle we’ll contemplate one pathway each week, engaging in a contemplative reading and a heart-centred meditation.

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Workshop: Real Self-Care for Therapists 1

Workshop: Real Self-Care for Therapists 1

The essence of this workshop is moving beyond the notion of self-care as occasional respite from and amelioration of the demands of life and work and toward an understanding of self-care as responsiveness to ourselves. It’s specifically designed with therapists in mind.

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Practice Circle: The Poetry of Presence
to 22 Mar

Practice Circle: The Poetry of Presence

Rumi scholar Fatemah Keshavarz has described Rumi’s poetry as an encounter, a coming face-to-face with the sacred in such a way that it’s impossible to stay on the margins – you have to join in. In this practice circle, we’ll be allowing ourselves to be drawn into such encounters with the Living Presence of the sacred through the poetry of various accomplished poets

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Retreat: Embodied Presence
to 26 Nov

Retreat: Embodied Presence

This retreat offers you space in which to affirm your connection to the source and sustenance of your being – Divine Presence, or whatever name you give this Reality – and to deepen your capacity for seeing and feeling your being in this Being. You will be offered the space to explore how, in your sensitization to Divine Presence, you embody this Presence.

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Practice Circle: The Meaning of Mary Magdalene
to 10 Nov

Practice Circle: The Meaning of Mary Magdalene

The Meaning of Mary Magdalene is a book written by Cynthia Bourgeault and published in 2010. It illuminates Mary Magdalene's role as the apostole who best catches the meaning of Jesus's teachings and is able to live them; a spiritual master in her own right. Bourgeault shows that the luminous quality of exchange between Mary Magdalene and Jesus reveals the path of conscious love that is the way of transformation for us all. In this Practice Circle, we'll give particular attention to what is implied by conscious love using Cynthia's book as our guide

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